UEDA decides to end one show and start a new one

January 2017 marked the end of an era for Power Show Ohio. From its inception in January 1971, Power Show Ohio was a venue for agricultural, landscape and construction industries to showcase their products.

Show Manager Dennis Alford said the main purpose of the show was to create retail sales for the members of the association. At its conclusion, it was no longer doing that. The decision was made by the board of directors of the United Equipment Dealers Association (UEDA) to end Power Show Ohio and create a new, more effective show.

Power Show Ohio was held at the Ohio Expo Center in Columbus, Ohio. Alford said over the years that thousands of vendors worked together to transform a blank concrete floor into a quality trade show, and he recognized four companies that exhibited at every show — R.J. Cox Trailers, Kubota Tractor, Hayward Distributing and SISCO. And while ending Power Show Ohio was not an easy decision, according to Alford, it was reflective of the changing marketplace.

Plans are underway for a new show that will focus on lawn and rural equipment. The show will be known as the Lawn and Rural Equipment Expo (LAREE). It will be held Friday and Saturday, Dec. 7-8, 2018, in Wilmington, Ohio, at the Roberts Centre, a 60,000-square-foot facility located at I-71 and US-68 about halfway between Columbus and Cincinnati. The show will feature lawn, landscape, small farm and rural lifestyle equipment, and its target audience will be landscapers, commercial cutters, municipalities, cities, parks, large-property owners, small farmers and homeowners.

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