Husqvarna launches “Chain Saw Demo Days” to kick off chain saw season

As fall chain saw season approaches, Husqvarna is launching Chain Saw Demo Days as part of the Company’s brand marketing campaign, “Master Your Great Outdoors.”  From Sept. 8 through Oct. 31, outdoor enthusiasts seeking innovative outdoor power equipment that helps curb the high cost of fuel can participate in the Chain Saw Demo Days events to be held at participating Husqvarna servicing dealer locations nationwide. The events coincide with fall chain saw season and Chain Saw Safety Awareness Month.

“Chain Saw Demo Days is an important initiative supporting Husqvarna’s ongoing commitment to help drive our dealers’ business,” said David Zerfoss, president, Husqvarna Forest and Garden Company. “The fall phase of our ‘Master Your Great Outdoors’ campaign continues to provide our Total Source servicing dealers with free advertising support to grow their businesses.  There are no costs to our dealers for this national campaign and thus no advertising fees on their invoices.”

Husqvarna’s support for dealers includes integrated, national marketing initiatives such as national TV, radio, consumer and trade magazine advertising accompanied by a micro-site at This site spotlights the campaign and provides customers with details about local Husqvarna dealers via the dealer locator feature of the site. 

Chain Saw Demo Days includes product demonstrations and promotions. Participants will have the opportunity to test drive a new Husqvarna 460 Rancher chain saw equipped with Husqvarna’s exclusive X-TORQ engine technology, which offers 20 percent less fuel consumption and up to 60 percent less emissions. And just for test driving the new chain saw, they will receive a free Husqvarna hat.  Outdoor enthusiasts who purchase the new Husqvarna 460 Rancher will also receive a new Husqvarna hatchet, which is hand forged with high quality Swedish steel and a hickory shaft.

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