Michigan man who extinguished house fire with Sno-Thro receives new machine from Ariens


From left, Dan Ariens, president and CEO of Ariens Company, presents a new Ariens Pro 32 Sno-Thro to Steve Liubakka.Dan Ariens, president and CEO of Ariens Company, personally delivered a new Pro 32 Sno-Thro to Steve Liubakka of Diorite, Mich., Feb. 15 in recognition of his quick response to help out a neighbor. Liubakka was featured in the news last week for using an Ariens Sno-Thro to control a fire at his neighbor’s house until the fire department arrived. Link to story: http://www.uppermichiganssource.com/news/story.aspx?id=578456.

The story generated a flood of e-mails and calls to Ariens Company last week from around the country.

“The story really seemed to resonate with customers,” said Dan Ariens. “They were impressed with Mr. Liubakka’s quick response and wanted to be sure we were aware of it. We also heard from suppliers, dealers and employees who were proud to see a Sno-Thro used this way.”

In talking with Liubakka, the company learned that he used his son-in-law’s Sno-Thro to extinguish the fire and that he owns a 36-year-old machine. “We felt he deserved some sort of recognition for his resourcefulness,” said Dan Ariens. “Replacing his old snow thrower with a new Ariens Sno-Thro just seemed fitting.”

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