OPE company celebrates 145 years of combined service by 6 employees

They are creating some long-lasting employer/employee relationships in Glennville, Georgia, home of OPE distribution giant Rotary Corp.

Check out Rotary Corp.’s Instagram post this week titled “Happy Rotary Anniversary!” A total of six employees are featured. Combined, they have 145 years of Rotary service. There’s Charles (32 years), Jack (30 years), Maria (26 years), Clarence (24 years), Marquis (20 years) and Olivia (13 years). That must be what happens when you provide next-day service to 80% of the USA and have a 95% fill rate thanks to your eight distribution warehouse locations nationwide.

It’s an impressive group, to say the least. Does your dealership take a similar approach to recognize anniversary milestones by your own staff members? If you haven’t yet, is it time to add anniversaries to your social media content calendar for 2021?

— Dave McMahon, editor, dmcmahon at epgmediallc.com

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