Half of all dealers report inventory as being too low in Q1: survey

The Q1 2021 OPE Business Magazine Dealer Survey offered some intriguing data as early results of the survey were pulled prior to the print magazine going to press.

A total of 51% of dealers who took the survey described their Q1 equipment inventory as “too low.” Another 45% said their inventory level was “about right” and 4% said it was “too high.”

Read the article in the April 2021 edition of OPE Business magazine by clicking the image below.

Read the article in the April 2021 edition of OPE Business magazine by the image above.

The final survey results included over 100 participating dealerships from 39 states. That type of engagement from dealers doesn’t happen overnight, and we are appreciative of the support.

I’m wrapping up the composite data report from the survey and will be sending the complete results to dealers who completed the survey later this week.

— Dave McMahon, editor, dmcmahon at epgmediallc.com

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