Happy 90th Birthday, Hans Peter Stihl

Hans Peter Stihl celebrates his 90th birthday on April 18, 2022. The son of Stihl founder Andreas Stihl, he is general partner of Stihl Holding AG & Co. KG and honorary chairman of the Stihl Advisory and Supervisory Boards.

Hans Peter Stihl

Hans Peter Stihl joined the company founded by his father in 1960, quickly assuming responsibility for manufacturing and design. When his father passed away in 1973, he became the sole general partner. At the time, the company employed 2,500 people and generated an annual revenue of 220 million German marks. Under his leadership, the family-run business developed into an international group of companies with a steadily expanding product line and production sites in Germany, the United States, Brazil, Switzerland, Austria, China and in the Philippines.

His 36 years at the helm and his 10 years as chairman of the Stihl Advisory and Supervisory Boards have left a lasting impression on the family-owned company. The Stihl Group’s successful development can largely be attributed to his entrepreneurial influence.

Even at the age of 90, Stihl still maintains a presence at the company’s headquarters in Waiblingen, keenly following global business performance and the development of the latest products. The development department’s annual forest tour cannot take place without Stihl, who also tests new products. At the company’s worldwide locations, the soon-to-be nonagenarian is a welcome guest whose expertise is appreciated even beyond the world of Stihl, the company reports; this year, for example, Stihl attended the Federal Assembly at Paul Löbe House in Berlin for the election of the German president.

For Stihl, it is of the utmost importance that Stihl remains a company owned by the descendants of the founder: “In our industry today, Stihl has the unique selling point that it has been fully owned by our family since its founding 96 years ago. And we remain a family-owned company. This puts us in a position of considerable strength and enables us to pursue long-term strategies.”

Stihl will be celebrating his 90th birthday with his family on Easter Monday.


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