TurfEx commercial-duty spreader attachments

 TurfEx, a new product division of TrynEx International, recently introduced a line of 6 commercial-duty spreader attachments. Designed to mount on a multitude of service vehicles such as riding mowers, the spreaders provide consistent, even distribution of anything from seed to fertilizer. They can also spread ice melt for winter maintenance applications. The TurfEx mountable spreaders are available as electric or PTO driven with 3-, 7- or 12-cubic-foot capacities. Weather-resistant variable-speed controllers are standard for most of the line (optional on the TS300). Additionally, all models use cable-operated flow gates with the exception of the TS300EG, which offers an electric-powered flow gate control. With all models, spreader performance can be controlled in 3 ways — via the flow gate, adjustable stainless-steel spinner or with controller speed actuation. TurfEx spreaders are constructed of lightweight, corrosion-resistant polyethylene. The 3-cubic-foot capacity spreaders come standard with a 2-inch receiver hitch and offer a spread width up to 20 feet, whereas the 7- and 12-cubic-foot-capacity units are standard equipped with a 3-point mount and can spread up to 30 feet wide. Other standard equipment for all models includes clear, fitted hopper covers. Optional equipment includes a drop mount (TS300 only), 3-point mount (TS300 and TS300EG), utility mount (TS300 and TS300EG) and a trailer mount (TS300 and TS300EG). All units are covered by a 1-year limited warranty.

TurfEx, product division of TrynEx International/(800) 725-8377


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