Husqvarna launches Backyard Games

Husqvarna recently launched “Backyard Games,” a new web-based reality series. “Backyard Games” is a reality competition series which pits real people against one another in tests of backyard lawn and landscaping skills. The three-part series is available for viewing at and other outlets online.

Each episode of “Backyard Games” is comprised of three rounds, utilizing a suite of various Husqvarna products. The speed round kicks off with a fast-paced challenge, one that is action packed and designed to test the contestants’ skill under pressure. The finesse round is a more contemplative challenge, one that involves craft and finesse. Contestants finish out the competition with the Backyard Gauntlet, an epic three-part obstacle course that will conclude with the crowning of  the ultimate “Backyard Games” champion and the awarding of the Golden Chain Saw.

“We wanted to bring some fun to operating outdoor power equipment safely, while demonstrating Husqvarna’s versatility, performance and breadth of product line,” said John Marchionda, VP of marketing, Husqvarna. “Original content lets us have a ‘give and take’ with our customers, and start a dialogue in a space that Husqvarna has yet to play in.” Husqvarna hopes to continue to utilize branded content to improve the ways it communicates with customers and to demonstrate the products it produces as professional-grade equipment combined with an entertaining approach that consumers desire throughout the day.

Hosted by former HGTV host Paul Ghiringhelli, with color commentating by comedian Brian Unger, this new web-based reality competition was created in collaboration with MediaCom and MediaCom Content. Contestants for the show auditioned in the Los Angeles area. Contestants were trained participants under professional supervision. To view the series or to submit a challenge of your own for next season and to enter for a “Backyard Games” prize pack, visit

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