PLANET conducts 15th annual Renewal & Remembrance event

The Professional Landcare Network (PLANET) held its 15th annual Renewal & Remembrance event at Arlington National Cemetery on Monday, July 25, 2011. The next day, members went to Capitol Hill to talk with congressional leaders about key issues facing the industry.

More than 400 individuals from across the nation participated in Renewal & Remembrance. They spent the day mulching, caring for and cabling trees with lightning protection, pruning, liming, planting, and aerating the soil. This gift is valued at more than $200,000. To date, PLANET has contributed more than $2 million to the care of this historic landmark.

“We are signifying our continued commitment to honor the men and women to whom we owe our liberties and freedom. By contributing to the environment at this sacred place, we are giving back to the many heroes and their families,” said Walter Wray, Landscape Industry Certified Technician, PLANET member and chairman of the event. “Our members consider it a privilege to be able to lend our time and talents to such a worthwhile project.”

As Renewal & Remembrance has grown, more and more PLANET members bring their families as well as their company employees. The event includes special projects for children of PLANET members. This year, children planted native grass in key locations at Arlington National Cemetery and participated in the laying of the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

The logistics of the event are significant. Here are some of the numbers:

395 adults and 58 children participating
101 companies were represented
28 states represented
30 area captains
120 tons of lime was applied to 271 acres
30 acres of turf was aerated
24 yards of soil was installed
24 yards of mulch was applied
Four trees were installed
1,381 perennials were planted
Six trees were pruned, cabled, and had bracing installed
Lightning protection was installed on seven trees
The Columbarium and Receiving Vault irrigation systems were updated

The Irrigation Association and Tree Care Industry Association partnered with PLANET to host this year’s event, along with Platinum sponsor Syngenta.

On Tuesday, July 26, 2011, PLANET members converged on the Hill to meet with their officials and discuss a wide array of issues impacting the green industry, including H-2B guest worker program, the EPA’s WaterSense, and H.R. 872, the Reducing the Regulatory Burdens Act of 2011.

In addition to the Capitol Hill visits, Legislative Day participants enjoyed presentations from ABC News Senior Congressional Correspondent Jonathan Karl on Monday afternoon, Rep. Robert Dold during a dinner held Monday evening, and Rep. Kurt Schrader at Tuesday’s breakfast.

For more information, visit, or call the PLANET office at (800) 395-2522. 

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