Rotary celebrates combined 122 years on job by 4 employees
Georgia-based Rotary Corp. is known to OPE dealers for their familiar faces, but the distributor’s most recent Instagram post just might take the cake.
Rotary’s Happy Rotary Anniversary feature puts the spotlight on employees as a consistent Instagram post. This week, four Rotary employees brought a combined 122 years of Rotary employment: 35 years, 31 years, 29 years and 27 years.

That is one heck of an impressive number. Congrats to all!
Does your dealership celebrate employee anniversaries on a quick-and-easy social media platform? Is it content worth considering for 2021? Would your customers like to know your service tech has been with the shop for 17 years or that the parts counter has been staffed by the same person for nine years in 2021?
Speaking of Instagram, OPE Business magazine is coming down to the wire to reach our goal of 40 followers by the end of the month. We need a scant two more! Give us a follow today at
You’ll see we’ve been busy attending events including:
CAT Expo Live, where we learned about a variety of new products;
the Equipment & Engine Training Council’s seminar on how young service techs should invest in their tools, hosted by Erik Sides;
and a Husqvarna Facebook Live presentation by Husqvarna’s Ben McDermott on the 540i XP and T540i XP battery-powered chainsaws.
— Dave McMahon, editor, dmcmahon at