Q4 Dealer Survey reveals another strong quarter
Independent servicing OPE dealerships in the U.S. reported another strong quarter of business performance compared to their plan for Q4, according to data from the Q4 OPE Business Magazine Dealer Survey.
When asked “How would you characterize your calendar Q3 (October – December) business performance relative to plan?”, a total of 81% of dealer respondents said they were either above plan or on plan.
Sequentially, that’s a slight dip from the 86% of dealers who reported being on or above plan in Q3. But it’s part of a steady plateau that started since the onset of COVID.
In Q4, 37% of dealers reported being above plan vs. 53% who were above plan in Q3 and 43% who were above plan in Q2.
Here’s how the yearly progress looked:
Q1 — 38% of dealers on or above plan
Q2 — 76% of dealers on or above plan
Q3 — 86% of dealers on or above plan
Q4 — 81% of dealers on or above plan
Check out next week’s OPE Business Enewsletter for more results from the Q4 Dealer Survey. In the meantime, read about some of the Q3 Dealer Survey highlights here.
Only independent servicing OPE dealerships are permitted to take the survey. All dealers who complete the survey receive the results in their entirety. Dealers from 38 states participated in the Q4 survey, up from 32 states that were represented in the Q3 dealer survey. There was no participation from dealers in Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Vermont and Wyoming.
— Dave McMahon, editor, dmcmahon at epgmediallc.com