Altoz: On Track for Success
Earlier this year, Altoz introduced its TSX 561i tracked stand-on mower, joining the company’s TRX tracked zero-turn series. Boasting an 11-inch wide all-terrain track, the TSX also features a 61-inch HV all-terrain steel deck, TorqFlex front suspension, 13-inch flat-free tires, 29.5 -hp Kawasaki engine and many other attributes that set it apart in the industry (see our April issue for more specific features on the TSX 561i). Together, the TSX and TRX series of mowers combine for a unique offering from the Minnesota-based Altoz, which appears to be intent on continuing to push the lawnmower envelope.
In introducing the TSX, the company took a limited-build strategy, explains Karl Bjorkman, Altoz’s sales and marketing director: “The intent was a limited build – to have one demo and one unit for sale at dealerships during the summer, to allow us to gauge the level of interest. Dealers could order just a demo, or they could also have an additional unit for sale. It’s been a great way to get product feedback and for people to get hands-on experience with the mower.”
Since making its debut, the TSX has been well received by dealers as well as buyers, says Bjorkman. “The reception has been very positive,” he says. “The TSX has been pulling through at retail very well. We have orders in, and we will be looking to fill in production later this year.”
Because of the limited-build approach, says Bjorkman, supply-related issues for the TSX have been negligible. “We’ve had some delays for certain components, but because we’ve had a six-month jump start with the TSX, we’ve been able to work through any supply issues. Plus, we have backup plans to reduce any problems with delays.”
Efficiency, safety and cost-effectiveness
The TSX is a commercial product – its typical buyers include municipalities, departments of transportation, universities, contractors and so on. Its primary selling point? “The TSX can go where a regular wheeled mower cannot – and can do so quickly and more efficiently, more cost effectively and safer,” says Bjorkman.
He gives the example of a user who previously had to use a combination of regular wheeled mowers, string trimmers and multiple cutting crews because the cutting environment comprised slopes, hills, retention ponds and so on. “Now, one person on a TSX and perhaps another on a TRX can get the job done much more efficiently and safely – and not get stuck. Those retention ponds, once a major headache, just aren’t any longer,” he says.
When asked how his best dealers go about selling the TSX, Bjorkman answers: “Demo, demo, demo. You show the customer head-to-head, so they see what they can do with the TSX – and what they can’t do with traditional equipment.”
He adds, “Then, the customer sits down and does the math. They quickly see that they can do the same job with less equipment, they have the right equipment to get the job done with less manpower – and they’re able to do their work safely. They’ll be able to do more jobs and charge more, all with less equipment.”
Altoz will have the TSX – as well as the TRX and its non-tracked zero turns – at GIE+Expo this fall. Static models will be on display indoors, but, importantly, they’ll also have models on display in the outdoor exhibition area for test drives.
“GIE+Expo is a great show to get a feel for the product,” says Bjorkman. “In addition, we encourage dealers to call and set up a demo on their own turf. Invite customers to see the TSX and try it – use it under real conditions, in their environment.”
Always working on the next idea
In July, the TSX collected a “Twenty for 2021” New Product Award from Landscape Business (see last issue), recognized for its innovation, marketability and application within the market.
The folks at Altoz are not content to rest on their tracked laurels, however: “We’re looking for brand extensions and line extensions of our existing products,” says Bjorkman. “We want to introduce new products every year. We’re innovators and disruptors to a stable market that doesn’t typically experience this. We enjoy the product we make, and we’re always working on the next idea.”
This article originally appeared in our September 2021 issue.
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