Greenzie Releases 3.0 Updates

On March 1, autonomous software leader Greenzie launched its 3.0 software to boost their customer’s autonomous mowing capabilities and help landscapers work more effectively, efficiently and safely. Greenzie said it designed and developed the update from direct customer feedback to deliver three feature enhancements:

  • Record and repeat: manually record mowing a complex area once, and then the Greenzie equipped mower will repeat it all season long;
  • No-go zones: Map out a keep-out zone so your Greenzie-equipped mower knows exactly where it is not allowed to go; and
  • GoTo: Did your Greenzie-equipped mower just finish up a job and is now on the other side of a field? Just tap on the map and tell it where to go next.

“I’m enthusiastic about the new Greenzie software and the customer service Greenzie provides is out of this world,” said Rob Ponn, operations manager for Yellowstone Landscape in Findlay, Ohio, who used Greenzie autonomous mowing technology in 2023. “Last year, we were able to trim a hospital campus field mow from a four-hour, forty-five-minute job down to two hours using the autonomous mower, cutting our time by more than half.”

Ponn said he hired a two-man crew to run the autonomous mowers, freeing the manpower up to tackle other tasks around the property while two autonomous mowers handled the larger, open sections of grass.

Mean Green Autonomous Vanquish

For 2024, in addition to the gas-powered Wright Autonomous Stander ZK already in production and deployed in the field, Greenzie-powered robotic workers will be available on an all-electric mowing platform, the Mean Green Autonomous Vanquish.


The all-electric Mean Green Autonomous Vanquish uses next-generation robotic hardware and sensors, offering robust features benefits for the landscaper in the field:

  • Fully integrated drive-by-wire capabilities ensure precise control of deck height, promoting straight lines, smooth y-turns, and consistent cut quality throughout the day;
  • Intelligent blade-load speed control guarantees a high-quality cut regardless of grass thickness;
  • An advanced IR stereo depth perception system enables safe autonomous operation day or night;
  • The in-vehicle rugged, fanless next-generation computer is designed for operation in rough terrain; and
  • Dual GNSS fused visual odometry ensures reliable operation in open sky and tree coverage.

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