ARI expands presence in agricultural equipment market with Kuhn Krause partnership

ARI, a Milwaukee, Wis.-based provider of technology-enabled business solutions that help dealers, distributors and manufacturers in selected vertical markets increase revenue and reduce costs, announced July 26 that Kuhn Krause, Inc. has licensed PartSmart, PartSmart Web, PartSmart Cart and WarrantySmart for use by its dealer network.

Under the agreement, Kuhn Krause’s complete line of products, including attachments, chisels, disc harrows, field cultivators, and grain drills will be available to authorized dealers.

Dealers using PartSmart Web, ARI’s web-based parts lookup solution, will have on-demand access to parts and pricing catalogs and support literature from the Authorized Dealer Access area of the Kuhn Krause website. In addition, PartSmart Cart, ARI’s shopping cart integration, will allow dealers to place online orders 24/7.

Dealers using ARI’s PartSmart CD-based catalogs will be able to view Kuhn Krause’s parts, pricing and support literature offline. PartSmart and the Kuhn Krause catalog are available through ARI as a subscription. Kuhn Krause dealers will have access to the more than 90 other manufacturer catalogs ARI publishes. In addition, PartSmart integrates with more than 85 business management systems, allowing dealers to check inventory, view bin locations, and pick lists.

Dealers will also be able to electronically register equipment, file warranty claims, and review claim history using WarrantySmart, available in the Dealer Access area of the Kuhn Krause website.

“Our goal was to provide our dealers with a more efficient way to look up parts and place orders,” said Keith Whitaker, president of Kuhn Krause. “To that end, we recognized the importance of partnering with a vendor with a proven track record. We chose ARI because we are confident that its suite of products and services will meet our current and future business requirements. We believe these easy-to-use tools will provide our dealers with the ability to increase the productivity and profitability of their Kuhn Krause sales, while meeting the customer’s needs for fast and efficient parts and service support.”

“Kuhn Krause joins the growing number of manufacturers and distributors who are using PartSmart and PartSmart Web to provide their dealers with easy access to the most up-to-date parts, pricing and support information available,” said Roy W. Olivier, president and chief executive officer at ARI. “Combining both solutions will enable Kuhn Krause dealers to increase efficiency, drive sales, and increase profits.”

For more information about Kuhn Krause, visit To learn more about ARI, visit

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