O’Keeffe’s Working Hands
Hard work takes its toll on the body. The importance of healthy hands and feet is often dismissed as part of the job. What’s worse is when untreated, dry, cracked skin can open the body up to more serious problems like infection that can ultimately affect productivity.
What makes O’Keeffe’s Working Hands and O’Keeffe’s Healthy Feet different from other commonly used lotions and ointments is its non-greasy, hypoallergenic, oil-free and concentrated formula. Most products contain oils and chemicals that cause them to sit on top of the skin, but O’Keeffe’s products are designed to stimulate the body’s natural skin-repair process and draw moisture into the skin. As a result, O’Keeffe’s provides long-term hydration for the skin and relief for even the most painfully dry, cracked and split hands. O’Keeffe’s Working Hands is odorless and guaranteed to provide relief for painfully dry, cracked and split hands. For more information on O’Keeffe’s products, visit www.okeeffescompany.com, or call (800) 275-2718.