Kawasaki Engines launches customer care department for dealers

As the Kawasaki Motors Corp., U.S.A. Engines Division has continued its growth, the company has built much of its reputation on the level of responsiveness it has shown to its customers. One of the most important groups — dealers — will soon see an expanded concentration of support as Kawasaki’s existing Order Services Department becomes the Customer Care Department, effective April 1.

More than a name change, the six-person team will be focused on enhancing the contact procedures between dealers and the company, as well as optimizing the efficiency of those contact points for all concerned. It will be headed by Jake Heaton, a four-year veteran of the Order Services Department, recently promoted from supervisor to manager.

“This change signals once again that we’re prepared and eager to play a significant role in our dealers’ business growth,” said Karen Howard, director of dealer support and marketing.

The company believes that the keys to providing needed service are two-fold; quick response and thoroughness of information — both delivered with expertise and caring from a dedicated team that is able to track individual dealer issues from inception to conclusion.

Howard stressed that requests from dealers will be tracked through KMC’s system by staff with an intimate knowledge of the product and ordering process. The dealers’ first point of contact will generally be the team member that manages the issue and reports back to the dealer, shortening the process and helping to maintain personal interaction.

“Issues brought to our attention aren’t simply spilling into a giant call center,” said Howard. “They’re being given special, individual attention so that the process can be managed quickly.”

According to Howard, “This detailed and focused methodology will allow the Kawasaki Customer Care team to become better advocates for the dealers, not only through efficiency, but also by making their concerns known to all relevant teams to help resolve issues for the dealer.”

Kawasaki Engines, a division of Kawasaki Motors Corp., U.S.A., distributes gasoline engines for landscape, industrial, and consumer markets. The division is headquartered in Grand Rapids, Michigan. It sells to and services customers through a network of more than 40 OEMs, 15 distributors, and more than 7,500 independent dealers throughout the U.S., Canada, Australia, select countries in Central and South America, and the U.S. Trust Territories of the Pacific, including Guam.

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