Lucky’s Mutt Madness, an Annual Dog Adoption Event, Comes to GIE+Expo 2021

The TurfMutt Foundation, the education arm of the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute (OPEI), has announced it will host the Lucky’s Mutt Madness dog-adoption event during GIE+Expo. Held in partnership with the Kentucky Humane Society (KHS), the event will take place October 21 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Freedom Hall arena of the Kentucky Exposition Center. The event is open to all Expo attendees and exhibitors.

Kris Kiser and Mulligan.

“We lovingly call the dogs up for adoption during Mutt Madness as ‘show dogs.’ It ain’t Westminster but we have helped place many dogs in need in their forever homes,” says Kris Kiser, president and CEO of OPEI and the TurfMutt Foundation. “Thousands of show attendees drive to the event, making it possible for many to take one home.”

More than 20 dogs will be available for adoption this year. At the last Lucky’s Mutt Madness, nearly every dog available found a home, including the current TurfMutt spokesdog, Mulligan.

“Our green space has become more important than ever given recent times, and the ‘backyarding’ trend of doing more activities from working to socializing outside is here to stay,” Kiser adds. “Dogs are a great way to reconnect to the outdoors.”

During the event, the TurfMutt Foundation will donate a $10,000 check to KHS to support their good work in animal rehabilitation, rescue and adoption. Plans also are underway to expand the TurfMutt Foundation’s work in Louisville, including a fundraising 5K race to benefit the KHS – Mulligan’s Fun Run, in downtown Louisville during the 2022 trade show. The Ariens Company will sponsor the run.



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